You’ll find all available courses in this section of the app. Courses are sorted into three tabs: “New”, “In Progress”, or “Completed” based on how much you've progressed. Here are some of the items you'll find in the courses section:

- Filters – Filter courses by category or brand. You can also adjust the order in which courses are sorted (the default sort setting is newest course first).
- New – All active courses that you haven’t opened. They will remain in the “New” tab until you open them for the first time.
- In Progress – All active courses that you have started, but have yet to complete. Courses you have started will remain here until you complete them by scoring 100% on the course quiz.
- Completed – All active courses that you have completed. You must earn a 100% on the course quiz to get certified.
- Search bar – Find specific courses by searching for keywords found in course titles. The search function is different form the filter since it will only narrow the search for the words found in the title, so if you search for “SellPro,” for example, only courses with “SellPro” in the title will populate.
Under the search bar, you'll see all available courses in their respective “tabs.” You will see the following information for each course:

- Brand Logo
- Brand Name
- Course Title
- Progress - Number of topics completed/total number of topics
- SellPoints - The number of SellPoints you will earn for successfully completing that course.
- Cloud Icon - Indicates that the course has not been synced to your device. Tap the cloud icon to sync the course to your device. Once synced, you can unsync it by swiping left and tapping "unsync."

After you've synced a course to your device, tap or click to open it. You'll see:
- Brand Logo
- Course Title
- Course Description -for longer descriptions, you can tap or click this area to expand and reveal the rest of the description.
- SellPoint Value - The number of SellPoints you will earn for certifying for this course.
- Topics
- For longer topic titles, you can tap or click this area to expand and reveal the rest of the topic title.
- Tap the larger area to begin the topic.
- Tap the pin to add this topic to your clipboard for fast recall later.
Course topics can range from text-based topics to videos. Each topic is timed and you can't advance to the next topic until the timer has elapsed.

Throughout the course, you may be asked Teaser Questions and Knowledge Check questions.
Teaser questions come before the topic, and as the name suggests, they "tease" what is coming next. There is no penalty for answering a teaser question incorrectly and you'll only have one shot to get it right.

Knowledge Check questions come after a topic, and you have to answer them correctly in order to advance to the next topic. If you answer a Knowledge Check question incorrectly, you will be redirected to the previous topic with half the original timer enforced. After reviewing the topic again, you'll have another opportunity to pass the Knowledge Check. Keep in mind, Knowledge Check questions are generated randomly, so you may not get the same question the second time around, but you'll need to answer one correctly to move on to the next topic.

Once you've completed all topics, you'll need to pass a course quiz.

Once you score 100% on the quiz, you will have become certified for that course.

You'll earn a certificate for each course you complete.