The Home Screen is the first screen you see after logging in to SellPro. From here, you will be able to access all areas of the app. Below, you'll find a glossary of all icons and buttons on the Home Screen.

- Refresh Icon – Begins an app-wide refresh to update all new content and awards. Please note, this happens automatically about every 15 minutes, but tapping this icon will refresh content and awards on-demand.
- Profile Settings – Access and edit your profile settings, such as your employer, store #, and product categories. You can also see all of your earned awards and certificates here.
- SellPoints – In-app currency that can be used in the Gravity Game and ProShop to play for, and claim awards, respectively.
- Certificates – Digital certificates received after successfully certifying on courses.
- Courses in Progress – Lists the number of courses currently in progress. Tapping this tile takes you directly to all of your in-progress courses.
- Awards – This tile cycles though all available PlayZone awards, and takes you directly to the Gravity Game when tapped.
- My Events – Keep track of events for which you have registered, right from the home screen.
- Streak Bonus – Earn Streak Bonus Plays to use in the Gravity Game for each day you consecutively log in to the app.
- Feed – Check out the feed for all important messages regarding content, awards and special promotions.
- ProShop – A shortcut to the ProShop, where you can use your SellPoints to instantly claim awards.
- Bottom Menu Bar – Icons that quickly take you to various places in the app.

- Courses – Takes you to the courses section of that app where courses are separated into “New”, “In Progress”, and “Completed” tabs.
- Reference Library – The Reference Library contains useful content like spec sheets and comparison charts.
- Clipboard – The clipboard gives you quick access to saved topics from courses or saved files from the Reference Library.
- Events - Register for live and/or virtual product training events right from your mobile device.
- Leaderboard – Check out the Leaderboard to see who's the top “Sell Pro” at your store, your company, and the country.
- Share SellPro – Let others know how much you love SellPro and share it with them. You'll earn SellPoints when your colleagues join SellPro.
- PlayZone – Awards in the PlayZone are unlocked based on the courses for which you certify. Certifying for courses that are attached to awards you want to earn is a great way to determine the order in which you'd like to certify.
- Settings – Access and edit app settings, or give us your feedback.