Home Screen

The Home Screen is the first screen you see after logging into SellPro. It provides access to all areas of the app. Below is a glossary of the icons and buttons on the Home Screen.



  1. Refresh Icon: Refreshes all content and rewards instantly. Updates occur automatically every 15 minutes but can be triggered manually.
  2. Profile Settings: Manage your profile, including employer, store number, and product categories. View earned rewards and certificates.
  3. SellPoints: In-app currency used in the Gravity Game and ProShop for playing and redeeming rewards.
  4. Certificates: Digital awards earned upon completing and certifying on courses.
  5. Courses in Progress: Displays courses you’re working on. Tap to access all in-progress courses.
  6. Rewards: Highlights available PlayZone rewards. Tap to go to the Gravity Game.
  7. Campaigns: Shows active campaigns. Tap to explore all available campaigns.
  8. Leaderboard: Displays your rank among peers at your store, company, and nationwide.
  9. My Events: Tracks registered events directly from the home screen.
  10. Insight: Access insights directly from this section.
  11. Streak Bonus: Earn Streak Bonus Plays for the Gravity Game by logging in consecutively.
  12. Invite: Share SellPro with coworkers using a QR code and earn SellPoints when they join.
  13. Feed: Displays important updates about content, rewards, and promotions.
  14. ProShop: A shortcut to the ProShop where you can redeem rewards using your SellPoints.
  15. Bottom Menu Bar: A navigation bar with icons for quick access to app features.


  1. Courses: Access courses, organized into “New,” “In Progress,” and “Completed” tabs.
  2. Reference Library: Access resources like spec sheets and comparison charts.
  3. Campaigns: Tap to explore all available campaigns.
  4. Clipboard: View saved topics from courses or files from the Reference Library.
  5. Events: Register for live or virtual product training events.
  6. Settings: Update app settings or provide feedback.